Marine Parade, Elwood, Vic 3184
(03) 9534 0448
St Kilda Marina, was a Spooner family visionary development well ahead of it’s time not only for Victoria but for Australia as a whole. The marina was opened in 1969 on a man-made harbour developed on reclaimed land which was made available under the St Kilda Land Act (1965). St …
July 23, 2020 | read more »Dear Members and members of the public please note that the dredge is dredging the silt at the entrance to the marina. Please use Caution when entering and leaving the marina, expected dredge time will be 7-10 days. Please observe dredge operator signal.
May 27, 2020 | read more »Dear Members this Sunday the 8th of March we have the kids Tri-athlon. There will be minor disruption getting to and from the Marina at Dickens street, please follow marshall’s directives in trying to cross.
March 6, 2020 | read more »Dear Members, Dredging for the St Kilda marina should occur shortly. We are just waiting for the green light from authorities as we cannot put dredging sand up onto the beaches while the public are using the beach for summer. The marina insists all boaters take extreme caution whilst leaving …
February 18, 2020 | read more »Dear Members.
On Sunday the 31st of March the Marina entrance will be Interrupted by the 2xu tri-athlon there will be Interruptions from 6.30.am till 12.00 pm. The St Kilda Marina apologizes for any inconvenience.
St Kilda Marina.
March 25, 2019 | read more »
Dear Members,
Once again we have to contend with disruption to our marina it will be hard to access and leave the marina from early morning to midday due to another Triathlon being held. Should you have any issues please contact triathlon event organizers. the Marina apologizes for any inconvenience caused …
February 27, 2019 | read more »Dear Members this Sunday coming the 14th of October there will be significant impact on gaining access to the Marina due to the Melbourne Marathon 2018. Hopefully it will not Impact on our members and Public access for launch and retrievals to severely. Please be patient and follow orders from …
October 10, 2018 | read more »Dear Boat Owner just remember when re-filling your boat that visitors must not remain on board your boat they must be moved away well clear from the boat and that there is no smoking permitted when doing so.
Dear members from all reports the fish have eased off and are not in such great numbers. Whiting has basically disappeared from the reef out front of the marina, and a few small pinkies just over size have been caught off the marina. Still you have to be on the …
February 28, 2018 | read more »